First of all, yesterday was my 4 year anniversary to my wonderful boyfriend. So Brad, I love you and miss you very much!!! <3
Anyway, we woke up yesterday and headed to the studio early and worked until about 5. It was pretty successful other than not having enough drills to get the face completely done. =/ It was my day to cook dinner so I took one of my favorite(easiest) recipe from home - breaded chicken, mac-n-cheese, and corn. Mom . . . everyone LOVED it! =] Having being in a different country, supplies here are different. I had to adjust the whole recipe and I think I pulled it off. hahaa. We mixed two different kind of bread crumbs and then mixed some sun dried tomato and basil to give it some flavor. We messed up the {already crappy} mac-n-cheese by putting too much milk in.... but I think it was a lost cause from the beginning. - NOTE: Scottish mac-n-cheese SUCKS! So mom, to answer your comment from yesterday... dinner was a huge success!
Last night we went to "That Bar" and then headed upstairs to the club, "The Loft" for student night. It was only £1.00 to get in and £1.50 for each drink. Quite the deal! It was so much fun! I really wish we had something like that at home. As lame as it sounds, I felt like really old being there because the drinking age is 18 here and it felt like I skipped the year and was 21. The inside of the club was reaaaallllyyy neat. Although, Aly described it as being a scene for a bad porno. haha. The had like bench seating everywhere with little red lamps in the middle of the tables and a couple bars, dance floor, and a fog machine. Although the interior and the people were really nice. . . the music was beyond lame! Hahaha. First of all, it was like old music from like the late 90's and not that those songs are bad, because seriously, who doesn't enjoy good 90's music??? But it was like the kind that are IMPOSSIBLE to dance to. So... ya. But I think we all had so much fun even tho we had a nerdy curfew of midnight. hahaha.
So today, right now, I am sitting in the studio. Today is the art workshop day so Steve is teaching a lecture to some Scottish students who were interested in what we do. Some of us are avoiding listening to the lecture and getting our computer fix in. haha. I don't really know what is on the agenda for today but we are going to stay here until about 3 p.m. and then who knows. I think Christiana mentioned something about maybe going shopping today, but who knows. That would be veryyyyy nice, but I think a lot of us are pooped out and she has been such a help lately she probably needs time off from us for awhile. Hahaa.
Julie - I've been taste testing a lot and so far my favorite beer is Stella Artois. I'm not sure where it is from, but it is really good. We (Deanna, Emily, Jill, & I) also split a thing of TVX Blue that was reallyyyyy good. It almost tasted like a blue freeze pop that is melted. A+ from me. **** Mom..... I am being careful and only drinking small amounts at a time! I promise!
Well, I am going to wrap this up.... Thanks for following and I miss you all!!
Good morning (to you guys)
P.s. like my title says, my allergies are killliiinnngggg mmeeee!!!! I actually can not wait to get my shots when I get home & for those who really know me.... I HATE MY SHOTS! haha. gahhh.
.... and yes mom..... I AM taking my meds! lol
P.s.s. - the weather here is supposedly always rainy and really bad. NOTE: it has only rained here 1 day and 2 nights. We brought good luck and good weather I guess!! It really has been lovely everyday here so far.
hey, looks like a cool place. did you take that luxury limo or your van limo? haha
ReplyDeleteglad they liked your dinner and to know i'm not the only one with early curfews :).
sorry your allergies are acting up. remember to keep taking the vitamins and meds.
sounds like your group is making great memories there! sending you a big hug and kiss natalie.
hahaha you can get stella here like anywhere you go you silly girl ;-) and i'm pretty sure TVX Blue is just like a win cooler- isn't it? But good choice, I love Stella. (so does dad actually- when he got that basket of beer for his birthday that was his favorite from all of them)
ReplyDeleteI won't lie, i'm kinda disappointed they weren't playing awesome electro music. You gotta go somewhere else that plays it!!
Ps. you just missed the funniest thing. So mom has been complaining like a 5 year old that she doesn't have a fb. well she finally gets one and this morning she was complaining about how she doesn't want to be friends with some of the people who are friending her or how she doesn't want to put pix up and stuff. I'm pretty sure what just went down in the kitchen could be a hilarious snl skit. lol!!!!!
ps. when i woke up this morning your message you sent me was the first thing i read- hahaha sooooo with you on that reaction
Oh and Mom you should make that mayo/breaded chicken- now i'm hungry for it.
hahaha funny girls.
ReplyDeletehahahaaa. i dont even know what to say to all of that. love you both