Ummm, I have no idea where to start today... I guess I will start with Saturday.
We woke up early to leave the house by 9 to travel to Inverness. It was only about a 2 hour drive but we stopped at a couple different places on the way which caused us to get to Inverness at about 5 pm. The first place we stopped was The Highland Folk Museum. It was very different from anything I have ever been to. It was an outdoor walkway that was about a mile long in all. Throughout the walk there were different things to look at such as old farm equipment, shops, and houses from during WWII. There was also a part showing houses and how they lived 300 years ago. The lady who gave the tour was funny and seemed a little bored with her job that day. Haha. We then traveled to Culloden Battlefield, where the last war was held. It began as Scotland vs. England but then turned into a civil war. We did not pay for the museum but we went out and walked the battlefield. After the battlefield, we drove to Inverness and stayed at the Highlander Hostel. When we walked in, there was a huge circular staircase painted blue and yellow. We then experienced being whistled at by a group of men. It was very creepy and I ran to our room. Hahaha.
The Hostel was actually very nice. The room was funny tho, it was very small and had 5 bunk beds in it. So there were 10 of us squished in a little tiny room with one toilet, one shower, and a ceiling fan.
After we all got situated, we all got ready and went out for the night. A group of the girls went to Bar 27 to eat dinner and get a few drinks. Dinner was superb! I also had a Raspberry Twist Cocktail that was delicious. Following dinner, we stopped in a pub that was far too uncomfortable for me. We were surrounded by drunken men who were going crazy. One man who I will never forget was a creepy Scottish man who proceeded to follow us and at one point he stopped in the middle of the floor and continually spanked himself. I was thoroughly disgusted and completely ready to leave. The place was getting more and more crowded by the second. We did not stay very long, due to the high levels of uncomfort. We continued to walk the streets of Inverness until we found a pub by the name of Gunsmith. There was two levels and karaoke on the top floor. Of course, we did do karaoke.
After spending time at the pub, we met these two local Scottish guys who helped us find places to go. Anxious to experience a dance club, I convinced the group to head to a place called Love To Love to dance. We waited outside in the line just to eventually get rejected. Everyone in front of me got in and of course I was the last in the group to get checked and they denied me for "wearing Nikes". I was so angry!!!! - For those who know me, you are probably wondering why I, of all people, was wearing tennis shoes out. I thought we were going to sight - see all weekend and not go out. Which is why I was wearing Nikes. Sorry group for getting us all denied!!!
We ran back to the other pub to finish the night and were almost denied again. Saturday nights, they stop accepting people in the pubs at midnight because of the Sabbath. When we reached the door, it was 11:59. Coryn used her charm and got us all in. =] We had about 15 minutes to get another drink in and leave for the night. - Pubs in Scotland close by 12:15am and all of the locals continue to be loud and gather outside on the streets until late morning hours. We heard all of them from our room window. For all of those people who told me to stop being loud because that is "American".... YOU LIED! SCOTTISH PEOPLE ARE LOUD!!!! Hahaha.
* Side note * : I totally met this guy who was the Scottish man version on me. He laughed at everything and his laugh was not only contagious but also loud, obnoxious, and overdone. Hahahahaa!!!!
Sunday morning (4th of July), we were out of the Hostel by 10am and on the road again. It was rainy and very cold. We drove to Loch Ness and SAW NESSIE!! hahaha!!! Andrew brought a
little toy Nessie and had us all laughing. We all got pictures with him! On the left is the infamous picture of Andrew and Nessie creeping on the right hand side. =]

Hahahaha how funny?!
We then continued to travel to Urquhart Castle. The first picture in this blog a view of the castle from inside on part. It was very rainy and verrryyy windy there. Very beautiful though. At one part, a bagpipe group played for everyone there. As soon as they stepped out on the grass the sun came out and it was beyond beautiful for about 10 minutes. It then started to down pour and everyone ran back inside. Haha.
We theennnnn drove to Glencoe to sight - see and eat dinner. Dinner was excellent and very cozy. It looked like a cozy little lodge inside. After dinner, we took pictures of all the beautiful scenery. There were huge mountains with a gorgeous river running through it. The wind was blowing the long grass around very peacefully and it was nice to look at such nice scenery after driving in the van for soooo lonnngggg.
I slept the whole ride home and went to bed by 11 that night. I got a nice, long sleep last night to be refreshed and ready to work hard on my project today.
Soooo to transition into today, Deanna and I finished the face today!!! YAY!! =] He/she looks very nice! I wish so bad that I could ship it back to the U.S. because it is extremely impressive to look at in person. When looked at face on, it doesn't look like much but when viewing at an angle or especially the profile, it is amazing. The different clear bottles work with each other in an amazing way. It is very clear to see the face portrayed when viewing the profile. The way that the jaw was created, gives it the impression that it is also the mouth and it is frowning. Which helps us with the theme of our project. Our piece's value is to help the viewers realize that how we treat the earth is directly reflected upon ourselves. Therefore our face is not meant to be happy or beautiful. If completed correctly, our piece should look hurt and not so much ugly, but unpleasing to the eye. We are going to sparingly scatter pieces of mirror throughout the background so that when viewing the piece, the audience can understand that they are part of the reflection and part of the reason for our earth being trashed.
I am not going to post any pictures of them today, because I would like to show you all when I get the time to really capture the essence of our piece. I took a video in HD today of the finished face. I did this because I'm afraid that just pictures are not going to give off the same feel as if you are viewing it in person. I'm thinking that maybe the video will help show you more than what you see in still photos.
Well..... that is a lot of blogging for today. Thanks for following and I miss you all!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
P.s. For those who did not see my status : I missed being home very much yesterday for fireworks and 4th of July activities. Cerrones and Kraemers: I missed downtown so much! I hope you guys all enjoyed the fireworks and I love you all. Petersons: I definitely missed seeing you all too! I missed the picnic and all the kids. I hope you all enjoyed the new swimming pool!
i can't believe you didn't get to experience a european dance club :-( oh well. that means me and you need to go and experience one... that's tottalllyyy fine with meee!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see your pix of Nessy- that's awesome you guys saw it!! Your pix can be famous now!!
oh natalie great descriptive blog. felt like we went thru the places with you. you're right pics don't always do your art justice. anxious to see the finished piece in hd :). missed you on the fourth too. holidays are always better when everyone is there. took some pics of the fireworks for you. they weren't as good as last year :(. put more money on your phone. spent time at the pool and are out for a cookout in the neighborhood now. love and miss you.
ReplyDeleteyour proud mama