After realizing how much we had strayed from the "trashing the earth" theme, Deanna and I sat in front of the project, completely wiped out, trying to think of ways to make it work again. I, of course, wanted to find meaning and safeness in the project. After talking to Steve and others, we realized that a theme really isn't needed. When you have such a broad subject, such as our neutral looking face, anyone can put a theme to your own artwork. We then decided, what the heck, and melted wax and dripped it down the left side of the face. We played around with displaying it and found that it is still creepy and interesting, it just doesn't have a theme. I am so scared that when people come from the public on Friday, that no one will either understand it or like it. I really hope that people will be able to respect our piece for what it is and be able to see the use of the plastic to create something totally different from everything else displayed.
Yesterday I didn't feel like blogging so here it is. The group went to Arbroath to go canyoneering. It is a beach activity where you wear wetsuits and swim and walk about the canyons of the shore. I woke up not feeling too great though, and considering the water temperatures, I decided to sit out on the activity. I somewhat regret that decision because it looked like a lot of fun, but I got to walk along the cliffs above everybody with Joe, Deanna, and Andrew. Since we were not in the water, it was a perfect opportunity to get awesome pictures and videos of the beautiful beaches. Pictures can not even help show you just how beautiful it really was. Just picture climbing about the cliffs, bright blue-green grasses around you, sounds of the beach, beautiful flowers, and crashing waves surrounding you. It was truly serene, breath-taking, and a photographers dream.
After the water activity, we met this old Scottish couple who expressed how bored they were that day. They were on holiday and had nothing fun to do so they invited us all to their house for tea. Feeling somewhat strange, because no one back at home does that, we all joked around on the ride there telling everyone to look out for each other. Turns out though that they really were just very nice people looking for some company. They have 6 kids who are all on their own so having ten people over for company felt comforting to them.
After visiting them, we went into town for dinner. Arbroath is known for their smoked fish so of course we had to test it out. From someone who doesn't particularly favor fish, I loved it! MMmmmm! It was so good. Although I didn't buy any, thinking that the restaurant we were going to was going to taste just as good.... unfortunately, it did not. =/ Oh well.
An hour in the van and we were back home. Of course, Deanna and I were the first in bed as always. Traveling and taking class and everything else in between really wipes you out. Hahaha.
Well..... that was my last two days. We have a very exciting few days ahead of us to wrap up our trip. Tomorrow we are visiting Scone Palace, Friday is our exhibition, Saturday is our free day to roam about the woods behind us, Sunday we venture to Edinburgh to (hopefully do the underground tour that I'm dying to do) and then Monday we leave from Edinburgh Airport to come back hoommmmeeee. Time flew!!!!!!
Thanks for following and I still miss you all! =]
ahhhh N, all your artwork is always impressive and interesting to me. I like it and can always appreciate an artist's work (even if I don't always understand where they were going with their piece)
ReplyDeleteandddddd what's the underground tour? I want to go too!
oh ps. meant to say- your pic you posted today cracked me up haha
ReplyDeleteSo I don't think YOU should worry about the theme unless you are getting a grade for it. Let the people come to their own conclusions. I liked what I could see from your pictures. I really liked the clear plastic. That was good thinking, unless that's the only junk you could find! If so, then you were resourceful. Either way I think you you're awesom! Have a great few days and savor each moment. Embrace your independence.
ReplyDeletei know you've commented a few times about how sweet the people are from there. that couple proved it even more....how nice!
ReplyDeletewish we could walk out our door and into yours for the exhibition. take lots of pics. that's all you'll have next week. i want to feel like we were there. do you get to mingle to hear what people think? does steve get feedback? i hope so.
don't feel bad you didn't do the canyoneering. everything for a reason. i'm sure you got some awesome shots. who knows maybe one will be for a future project :)
dad said he misses your hugs and gary says hi too!!!! g says he misses your jokes. hey natalie, you're up to 5,000 hits on youtube!!!!! lol
ReplyDeletei got your text message about the fun trip to the castle. it was a nice surprise! spent the day at the pool today. it's been so hot here. another 90* + day in the burgh.