Today we started our projects... Deanna and I are doing a joint project and it's coming along quite well.... for now. =] I will try to post pictures but it will not be understandable until completely finished and done exactly correct. Pressure is on!!! It is going to be quite the challenge.... for sure. Bring it on!!! =]
Oh!!! Yesterday, Emily and Jill found a nice hand dryer in one of the bathrooms.... we discovered that it works perfectly as a hair dryer!!!! We now do not need to buy any Scottish hairdryer. Good job girls!!!! - used it tonight and I'm lookin' quite "fresh" hahaha. ( "fresh" is one of the words in our slang cards game Erin brought. Everyday we pick a card and we have to use it at least once a day. so funny. today was "lates", used like "later guys!". the other day it was "what it do?", used like "what's up?". hahhaa. it keeps our days that much more interesting)
There really isn't much to write about today. This trip is so much fun. We all get along really well and half the things that come out our mouths just keep us laughing all day long. Our Scottish accents are getting so good that we catch each other saying things like the Scots now. haha. The people here are so insanely nice. Last night we went to our first Scottish pub and afterwards was invited to one of the nicest Hiltons I have ever been to by the professors at Perth College. We then sat around and drank wine while having some of the most interesting conversations. Just learning about their culture here and anything else they talk about is so nice. It's funny to think that not everyone does things the same way as America. But, like I said.... the people are sooo nice!!! Always generous and they have the same humor as everyone on this trip. That always keeps us laughing... I can't tell you how many times my stomach has hurt from laughing so hard and long.
One thing I love here more than the US is their easy - to - understand street signs. It's funny b/c Ally and I were discussing in the van about what they remind us of. It feels like someone took Tonka car street signs and just dropped them right here in Scotland. They are HUGE easy-to-read signs. To make it more funny - the cars here are tiny! I honestly think the biggest family possible would have to be like 2 kids. hahaha. Funny to see the tiny cars against the huge street signs.
Another interesting fact is that NO ONE here has crappy cars. I KID YOU NOT!!!! There is not one junker on the roads. .... well besides our 14 person van... who also happens to be a padiddle. Great.... there are 10 dorky tourist Americans, driving a crappy padiddle van. haha. We don't attract any attention to ourselves.
Well.... that's enough chatter for one day. Thanks for following and I miss you all!!!!
- Good day!!
Ok, one, I'm jealous of your huge connect four game. Two, you should have brought your Dirty Minds game. Three, you said "long and hard" and I laughed. Four, I miss you. =]
ReplyDeleteoh natalie your personality comes out loud and clear in these blogs. i miss your laugh here....too quiet in the house! thanks for the laughter over the internet :) love and miss you too.
ReplyDeletelove the picture of the purple sky, GORGEOUS~~~so anxious to see the highland game pics. here's some homework for you? what is the most popular color plaid for the kilts? AND is there a meaning behind the colors?
awe was checking here before going to aaron's grad party. hope your drive back was better than to the HIGHLAND games.
ReplyDeletelove you sweetie
Gabby - omg i totally thought of you when i wrote that... i actually erased it and thought to write it another way... but i thought " no. ill let her read it and laugh" hahaha
ReplyDeletemom- yes. the color of plaid and look of their kilt is all based on the origin of the last name. and since that is the case - i dont thin there reallly is a "most popular" kilt color. but all the ones i have seen mostly have been blue/green colored. love you miss you!!!!