Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Another Day In The Lab
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
"Hey Kids, Have You Ever Heard of The United States of America?"
Monday, June 28, 2010
Anyway, we got back to the house and Christiana and Joe came over and they taught us a super fun card game. It's called golf. Anyway, if you know me, you know I'm bad at card games... and I CAME IN 3RD!! wooo!!! =] It was really fun tho. Everyone in this house definitely laughs sooo much.
Well, I had a long long day ahead of me tomorrow and I need to be on my game and start this project. Hopefully what we come up with is pure brilliance!.... Cross your fingers!!
Thanks for following and I miss you all!!!
1 week and 1 day down.... that's so crazy!!!
- It's dinnertime in Pa... so enjoy your dinner!! haha.
p.s. HAPPY BIRTHDAY (yesterday) DEB!!!! MISS YA GIRL!!
p.s.s. love you mom! =] - your comments on facebook made me laugh
p.s.s.s Dad - I'm glad to see you got your account to work!!! love you too!
- and for those who are going to complain... i love you too.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Highland Games!!!
So since I was too tired yesterday to write, I have to blog about it now. We woke up early to leave the house by 8am and drive 2 hours to Glasgow. The ride there was pretty awful.... a lot of us got tummy aches from the ride. Once we got to Glasgow, we met up with Christiana(Perth Professor) and her husband Joe(who is hilarious). They then took us to an art museum and then took a bus to the Highland Games. It was a double decker!!! =] So much fun!!
The Highland Games were different but yet the same as I expected them to be. It was almost like a carnival with the food tents and ride for kids. Then in the middle was the field where all the activities took place. I was really upset because the activity I was most excited for was the Tossing of the Cabers. My boyfriend, Brad, was watching an episode on the travel channel about them. The trick to the sport is that the men competing have to throw ginormous logs as straight as they can. If they can not pick them, they have to continue to cut them down until they can pick it up and toss them. Whoever is the first to pick it up successfully wins. Although, if there is a tie, the person who tossed it the straightest wins. Interesting, huh? hahaa
We then went into town where shopping is huge there. I felt like everyone that lives in Scotland must be from Glasgow, because we have never seen so many people until then. I am upset because I haven't seen any good places to souvenir shops and we FINALLY found the best store yesterday and it was closed!!!! It was only 6pm on a Saturday! How lame is that?? Grrrr
Anyway, today is another relaxing day. Nothing set to do so we are just hanging around the house. I loaded some pictures on facebook for everyone to see. I load a few everyday because the internet is slow here.
I hope everything is going well back and home and I miss you all! Can't wait to tell everyone about the stories.
Thanks for following.... write a comment!!! =]
Good day!
^^^ These pics are Emily Kuzar's! Haha. I didnt feel like uploading my own. Thanks Em!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Whoa!! A Huge Connect Four!!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Another Sunny Day In Good Ol' Scotland
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
There's A Midge In My Mouth!!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
We Passed A City Named "Athole"!! - Hahahahaha
So today was very eventful. To start off my blog, I would like to say that I accomplished three goals today. First of all, I saw 8 men in kilts today!! YAY!!! hahaha. So, yes everyone, men do still wear kilts. Allltthhhouugghhhh, I found out that kilts are only worn on special occasions. Scottish men wear kilts when american men would normally wear suits. Interesting huh? My second goal I accomplished was for Brad's parents who were interested. They wanted to know if it was a myth that Scottish men do not wear underwear under their kilts. I DID find out the answer..... but don't worry!!! - I DID NOT FIND OUT FIRST HAND! haha. The woman who works at Perth College told me about the tradition of kilts and continued to tell me that indeed, they do NOT wear underwear. Hmmm.. but yes, if you re thinking as I did...... they do not flash anyone when their are strong winds. Haha. The material that it is made out of is very thick and does not flap up easily. That was a weird goal, but I indeed found that out today. My third goal was for my sister, I had to try a local beer. Yes, before you judge.... the drinking age is 18 here. So Julie, I had one for you. - It was delicious! I had it with my traditional fish n chips! (chips = fries, crisps = chips) .. *fun fact! =]
We toured many different beaches/ harbors today and did much traveling today. I am exhausted and I think I will be at blog time for most of this trip. I apologize now if it is not as detailed as you want it to be. =/ Free time is very limited here and when we do get it... we ALL WANT TO SLEEEEEPPPP!!! Haha.
Another fun fact * There is in fact about NO TRASH ON THE BEACHES. haha so we will be taking a trip to the recycling center soon. - for those of you who are just starting to read my blog now .... we are using recycled materials to build art projects. *
Christiana, our college director, did an American accent impersonation today..... apparently we sound like retarded men. Who knew?! hahaa. Great.
She also yelled "What the flip is that?!?" - and we all got a huge kick out of that. We are all going to start using that now. All ten of us are practicing our Scottish accents.... it's coming along quite well.
Well, I KNOW that there is way more to write about but I am so delirious for no sleep right now. I will keep posting but details may be few.... sorry!
Thanks for following and I miss you all!!!
Goodnight from across the ocean,
<-- Deanna across the table posing with our fish n chips dinner and our Magner's Cider. Yummm
Monday, June 21, 2010
"Stay On The Left and Watch The Curb!!"
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Off To Scotland!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Last Day in the U.S.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Well, like I said - quick blog for now. I am going to get some rest so that I can enjoy my last day in the U.S. tomorrow.
I have yet to find out what they say for goodnight in Scotland, but as soon as I do... I will be sure to use it.
But for now....
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Count 'Em Down. . . 2 Days!

So to complete my first blog, I would like to express that my feelings at the moment are very nervous, scared, excited, anxious, and many more!! Haha! I am very nervous about the 12 hour flight to Scotland from New York and the first day in a new country. Although, I think once I finish my first day, I will be so excited and happy to be experiencing such an amazing opportunity. =] I would like to mention that I will miss everyone at home - friends, my wonderful boyfriend, and especially my overly supportive family. I could not have gotten this far without the help of all of you and I will think of you everyday. I promise. I also promise to post pictures as soon as I can and try to keep you updated on everything that is going on! One thing that I know will help me keep my nerves down and my spirits high is my most wonderful friend Deanna who will be traveling with me. She is an amazing person and I am so grateful to not only have her in my life but also to accompany me on this memorable journey.
Thank you for following me on my first blogging experience and I hope that you will also follow me on my journey through Scotland. =]